Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why do I love the interenet?

Oh! Let me count the ways!

Star Wars, in 30 seconds, re-enacted by bunnies.

(requires flash)



Robyn said...

I love it!!! wow.. do I love it!!
Where on earth did you find it?
You had me bustin a gut!

DAve and JAnie said...

it was msn's site of the day actualy! Did you watch others?

Sue said...

i must get dave to see this!

thx for the funnies.

DAve and JAnie said...

you mean, thanks for the Bunnies!

Robyn said...

Dave I sure did watch the others.. my husband and I were almost peeing our pants laughing!!

I was worried today, when I went to log onto your site, and it gave me a blank page.. I see you did some changes.. I must have tried to log in when you were doing your changes. Looks great!

DAve and JAnie said...

Thanks! I have wanted to design my own template for awhile, so i learned a wee little bit of html, and had dave make images and stuff, and together we have come up with this! Still under construction though. Keep checking it out for more!

357martini said...