Monday, September 11, 2006

on a happier note

we just finished a lovely weekend filled with hurling, headaches, and mood swings. Not to mention dehydration, aches&pains, and of course the "am i hungry or really sick" feeling! But, we aren't sad and stressed anymore. Well, at least not at this moment. Blessed as we are the STOMACHE FLU that infested our bodies has left on a more important journey. We hope it doesn't come your way!!!!
Blllaaaaahhhhhhh.. flush


Lori said...

Oh yuck!! I can't stand being sick. I havn't been really sick for a long time and I DREAD the day!!!
Was Corrie sick too? I hope not all 3 of you at once!

mammasita said...

oh did corrina get sick. we had the same this this weekend, isnt a bad one,

Robyn said...

I hope you guys are feeling better. It sure isn't fun to be ill.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you

Sue said...

oooooooooooh dear! that is terrible! being sick when you are the mainly depended on parents is tough. ug. you are feeling like you want YOUR mommy's and Corrina still needs YOU both! oooh the hardest part of parenting...being sick and someone needing you still. i hope you had help, and i'm glad you survived. wish i could have come and taken Corrie for a while so you two could watch movies, drink ginger ale and rest.

next time?

DAve and JAnie said...

Daqve was sick saturday, and while i wasn't sick, i was a little overwhelemed with a bunch of things we had to get done for sunday for church. Then sunday rolled around and dave was a little ill, and i was very ill. So we traded. A friend watched Corrie in the evening for us, which was probably our worst points, so that was very helpful! Corrina was a little off both days, but i think she is just a teething monster!
Boy, did we watch alot of movies though!

dr riptide said...

Sorry to hear that! Hope the rest of your week is better...



Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

but when you look back, isn't there something refreshing about getting sick? like you appreciate life more now...