Wednesday, December 12, 2007

First 'winter' post

Guess what I'm not doing right now (besides that fact that I just realized i need to take cookies out of the oven this second.. .why am I still typing and not taking things out.. brb) I'M NOT STUDYING! I am done school school school... just finished today today today! I feel good. I feel good to have worked hard and accomplished great grades, I feel good to have applied myself and truly learned very important skills and techniques. I just need practice now... anyone want to volunteer themselves and their problems to my listening ear for an hour?
Here is Corrina, making some toast!

I couldn't believe the state of our house this past week, with very busy Church activities, studying and bad colds we really let things get messy! But, with a small amount of time the house is back in place, the tree is glowing and the candles on my pretend mantle are flickering brightly. My oven is fulfilling it's destiny to be hot, my flour, sugar, and butter are being scorched until lightly browned, and my camera is loading photos beside me, all in an effort to bring you this wintry post!

We thought Corrina might be interested in helping with tree set up.. she had her times I guess, but mostly just wanted to play with her toys, without a tree obstructing them (sorry that I take such idiotic videos and talk the whole time.. note that Corrina is copying dave very specifically, can you see it?):

This second video is ridiculous and has some Corrina bum in it, but you can hear her making a few sounds! Don't feel bad if you laugh at how dumb this video is:

My pseudo-mantle is warming our living room and waiting for presents! I just added the buttons a few days ago, because what is any decoration without buttons!

We love our tree. We decided that when we went on holidays we would pick up ornaments to remind us of the place we have been. Here is Arizona

And Here is Newfoundland (colorful row houses.. they're famous for them.. we bought three ornaments so we could hang them in a row!)

Here is the whole deal:

I love the colors of Christmas time, or the colors I choose to love and decorate with at Christmas time: red and white. What better way to enjoy them than in my tummy. For a few years I have made this recipe, but found this recipe on another blog I read (thanks K)! It was the oatmeal that attracted me to it, and lack of nuts, so I changed recipes (if you know me, you know that I am not one for tradition and I seek change in life like a Santa seeks milk and cookies... no wait.. not just once a year.. that's a bad metaphor), uhm, like toddlers seek chocking hazards.. all the time! Don't those colors make you happy?

We also made some 'window pane' sugar cookies a week ago. Yummy and pretty!

In other words, Gilmore Girls seven is on it's way home from the store with Dave... I can't wait! What a perfect way to celebrate being all done classes for a few weeks!


Claire Colvin said...

OOh it looks lovely and cozy and Christmassy and delicious! I want to come over. Oh, wait, I *am* coming over. We'll have to do some yummy baking when I'm there. I love your ornaments from place you've been. I may have to borrow that idea next time I go on a trip.

Merry Christmas Colvinsons! Can you believe it's less than 2 weeks away?

much love and hugs,

rachel joy said...

Very cute girl. Very wooly man. :)

kelly ens said...

cute videos!!!!
glad you were enticed by the cookie recipe. Alf says those are his favorites so far - hope you enjoy them too! :)