Sunday, July 26, 2009

I've written a lot of blog posts about being done school for a semester, being done school for a week, being done a course, being done a paper, or being done for a 5 minute break. I've never written a post about being done my degree! Being done school! Period!

On Friday I handed in my final project for my degree, a huge portfolio reflecting the various learning experiences that have contributed to the successful completion of my degree. The experience was almost symbolic for me, as I went through all the courses and papers I've written, placing them all together, into a HUGE binder. Handing it in was like releasing the weight of school while keeping all the good stuff, the knowledge and skills. Its great to be here, to be a social worker.

I have a term position lined up to start in August. The finality of school hasn't really sunk it yet, but I think that when my first week of work is over and I don't have to sit and write an assignment about it that it will hit me!

Congratulations to me!


that's us... said...

congratulations to you too janie!!! sooo exciting!!! i'm so proud of all you've accomplished- i'm sure it will take some time to sink in that you are done...and i know God will continue to use you to touch so many people's lives through your work!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you is right! Way to go. Must feel so free to not be in school anymore. Hope you enjoy your temp. position.
Love Tammy

Aimee said...

Congratulations Janie. That is so awesome. What a great feeling of accomplishment. You have worked so hard. Being a student while being a wife and mother is a big juggling act and you did it. Hallelujah.

hey, I'm at camp this week and was browsing through photo albums. Saw you - it was a pic from '97! We have sure changed a lot. I love still knowing you now. I feel old and strange saying it, but I will anyways - you have become a beautiful woman, in deep and rich ways. Creative, thoughtful, loving...

blessings on your new chapter of life!


Lori said...

Congratulations is for sure in order!! So exciting! Way to go, Mrs. Social Worker :)

Claire Colvin said...

YAY Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I am bursting with pride. Way to go Janie Colvinson, MA! (or is it MS?)

Sending you a huge hug,

DAve and JAnie said...

Wow, thanks for the outpouring of pride and joy! It's a milestone for me.

jodi said...

congrats, janie! you were a natural social worker long before you were handed the piece of paper that told you you were one. i can't wait to hear all the stories of how God's going to move in and through you in your new career.

Mom Colvin said...

We've been off line and missed sending you our congratulations but CONGRATULATIONS on completing your degree.

See you soon,

Chris & Mary XX